# Log Format # ZCZC WEEK# MINUTES LogCode Description # LogCode: https://osp4diss.vlsm.org/ETC/logCodes.txt ZCZC W00 30 L03 Made Github repo and other stuff ZCZC W00 100 L02 Attended class on Monday ZCZC W00 100 L02 Attended class on Wednesday ZCZC W00 60 L21 Installed and tried WSL, Debian, and Ubuntu to familiarize with linux ZCZC W00 45 L09 Finished the W00 assignment ZCZC W00 45 L05 Prepared and studied for quiz ZCZC W00 20 L05 QUIZ ZCZC W01 100 L02 Attended class on Monday ZCZC W01 120 L09 Finished all the popquiz and assignment for the W01 ZCZC W01 60 L33 Listened to Raditya Dika's podcast ZCZC W01 100 L02 Attended class on Wednesday ZCZC W01 45 L64 Helped some of my friend to finish the W01 assignment ZCZC W01 60 L70 Studied for other lecture labs ZCZC W01 90 L05 Prepared and studied for quiz ZCZC W01 20 L05 QUIZ ZCZC W01 10 L41 Update mylog.txt ZCZC W02 30 L05 Read slides before attending class ZCZC W02 100 L02 Attended class on Monday ZCZC W02 60 L09 Started doing W02 weekly assignment ZCZC W02 60 L70 Studied for other lecture labs ZCZC W02 100 L02 Attended class on Wednesday ZCZC W02 60 L03 Update my links.md ZCZC W02 45 L05 Prepared and studied for quiz ZCZC W02 20 L05 QUIZ ZCZC W02 120 L09 Finished all the W02 popquiz and assignments ZCZC W02 30 L41 Update mylog.txt ZCZC W03 60 L09 Fixed some problems from W02 ZCZC W03 60 L09 Started doing W03 weekly assignment ZCZC W03 30 L05 Read slides before attending class ZCZC W03 100 L02 Attended class on Wednesday ZCZC W03 60 L70 Studied for other lecture labs ZCZC W03 90 L06 Study and find references for links.md updates ZCZC W03 90 L09 Finished all the W03 popquiz and assignments ZCZC W03 30 L41 Update mylog.txt ZCZC W04 100 L02 Attended class on Wednesday ZCZC W04 90 L06 Study and find references for links.md updates ZCZC W04 60 L70 Studied for other lecture assignment ZCZC W04 60 L05 Prepared and studied for quiz ZCZC W04 20 L05 QUIZ ZCZC W04 90 L09 Finished all the W04 popquiz and assignments ZCZC W04 30 L41 Update mylog.txt ZCZC W05 100 L02 Attended class on Monday ZCZC W05 100 L02 Attended class on Wednesday ZCZC W05 90 L06 Study and find references for links.md updates ZCZC W05 60 L70 Studied for other lecture assignment ZCZC W05 60 L05 Prepared and studied for quiz ZCZC W05 20 L05 QUIZ ZCZC W05 90 L09 Finished all the W05 popquiz and assignments ZCZC W05 30 L41 Update mylog.txt ZCZC W06 100 L02 Attended class on Monday ZCZC W06 100 L02 Attended class on Wednesday ZCZC W06 90 L06 Study and find references for links.md updates ZCZC W06 60 L70 Studied for other lecture assignment ZCZC W06 60 L05 Prepared and studied for quiz ZCZC W06 20 L05 QUIZ ZCZC W06 90 L09 Finished all the W07 popquiz and assignments ZCZC W06 30 L41 Update mylog.txt ZCZC W07 100 L02 Attended class on Monday ZCZC W07 100 L02 Attended class on Wednesday ZCZC W07 90 L06 Study and find references for links.md updates ZCZC W07 60 L70 Studied for other lecture assignment ZCZC W07 60 L05 Prepared and studied for quiz ZCZC W07 20 L05 QUIZ ZCZC W07 90 L09 Finished all the W07 popquiz and assignments ZCZC W07 30 L41 Update mylog.txt ZCZC W08 100 L02 Attended class on Monday ZCZC W08 100 L02 Attended class on Wednesday ZCZC W08 90 L06 Study and find references for links.md updates ZCZC W08 60 L70 Studied for other lecture assignment ZCZC W08 60 L05 Prepared and studied for quiz ZCZC W08 20 L05 QUIZ ZCZC W08 90 L09 Finished all the W08 popquiz and assignments ZCZC W08 30 L41 Update mylog.txt